In December 2022, the European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC) adopted during its plenary meeting a new document entitled “A Mapping of Technology Options for Sustainable Energies and Powertrains for Road Transport – Towards Electrification and...
Report no. 19/22: Following recent revisions to Annex VI of EU REACH Regulation No. 1907/2006, this report describes the information which registrants should now provide in Sections 1.2 and 1.4 of the IUCLID registration dossier for the identification of their...
Report no. 18/22: IFP Energies Nouvelles was commissioned by Concawe to identify novel sustainable liquid fuels pathways by 2030 for heavy duty trucks applications. The study consists of an extensive literature review to address three main topics: (1) the overall fuel...
Report no. 17/22: Concawe and Aramco have jointly commissioned this study, aiming to conduct a techno-environmental (Part 1) and economic (Part 2) analysis of different e-fuels pathways produced in different regions of the world (North, Centre and South of Europe, as...
Report no. 16/22: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) analysis is one of the most commonly used analytical methods to indirectly measure organic pollutants in effluent waters. The standard COD methods use potassium dichromate which is restricted under the REACH regulation....