Sulphur emissions from small stationary oil combustion plant and the availability of low sulphur fuel oil in the EEC
Report no. 87/61: This report deals with sulphur emissions from combustion plant of capacities less than 50 MW/h and the possible effect the implementation of the EEC Large Combustion Plant Directive could have on these emissions. The availability of low sulphur fuel...
Volatile organic compound emissions in western Europe: control options and their cost-effectiveness for gasoline vehicles, distribution and refining
Report no. 6/87: This report summarises the conclusions drawn by CONCAWE from its recent work on volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in Western Europe. The underlying data are published by CONCAWE; VOC emissions inventories are addressed in Reports Nos. 2/F6 and...
A survey of exposures to gasoline vapour
Report no. 4/87: This report presents data on 540 personal gasoline vapour exposure measurements collected in 13 European countries by an industrial hygiene task force during 1984 and 1985 and stored in a Concawe computer database. Gasoline vapour exposures are...