Review of European oil industry benzene exposure data

Review of European oil industry benzene exposure data

Report no. 3/86: This report summarises data on exposure to benzene during the manufacture end distribution of gasoline in Europe. Exposures in various types of jobs are reviewed against the 8-hourtime-weighced average 1 ppm “Action Level” and 5 ppm...
Effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on the nervous system

Effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on the nervous system

Report no. 86/51: Recently it has been claimed that long-term exposure to low levels of petroleum hydrocarbons may impair behaviour and memory. This claim has led t o an appraisal of the effect of these products on the nervous system. CONCAWE has therefore reviewed...
Workplace noise and hearing conservation

Workplace noise and hearing conservation

Report no. 7/85: Prolonged and repeated exposure to loud noise can cause permanent damage to hearing, resulting in noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). In the work environment prevention of NIHL may be accomplished by means of a hearing conservation programme, which is...