Report no. 86/61: Forest die-back on a large scale in Europe and North America has led to renewed investigations into the role of air pollution and its ecological impact. Essential elements in the extremely complicated process, from emissions via transport, chemical...
Report no. 3/86: This report summarises data on exposure to benzene during the manufacture end distribution of gasoline in Europe. Exposures in various types of jobs are reviewed against the 8-hourtime-weighced average 1 ppm “Action Level” and 5 ppm...
Report no. 86/51: Recently it has been claimed that long-term exposure to low levels of petroleum hydrocarbons may impair behaviour and memory. This claim has led t o an appraisal of the effect of these products on the nervous system. CONCAWE has therefore reviewed...
Report no. 7/85: Prolonged and repeated exposure to loud noise can cause permanent damage to hearing, resulting in noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). In the work environment prevention of NIHL may be accomplished by means of a hearing conservation programme, which is...
Report no. 7/84: This report presents the results of a study on the cost of controlling emissions of SO, NOx and particulates from oil refineries by flue gas treatment. Reductions of emissions have been chosen in accordance with those proposed by the European...