Report no. 2/84: The report reviews the factors to be taken into consideration when assessing the effects of superimposing one, or two, unleaded gasoline grades on the existing leaded gasoline storage/distribution system. It also considers the consequences for both...
Report no. 11/83R: This report gives details of a study carried out at the request of the EEC working Group: Evolution of Regulations – Global Approach (ERGA). The study assesses the impact of reducing or eliminating lead in gasoline and considers the ultimate...
Report no. 10/82: The report provides readers both within and outside the petroleum industry with an overview or the methodologies already in use or being developed, to assist and supplement risk management practices. The report briefly describes the consecutive steps...
Report no. 4/81: In situations where limits are imposed on noise levels in communities near petroleum and petrochemical plant, it is often necessary to calculate environmental noise levels because no direct measurements are possible. Such calculations require...
Report No. 8/75: This report, which quotes current European regulations on odours and systems adopted for receiving odour complaints from the general public, eumaxizes the types of compounds giving rise to odours from oil refineries and identifies the possible...