This article summarizes the Concawe study, ‘Techniques for detecting and quantifying fugitive emissions—results of comparative field studies’, that compares the two BAT (best available techniques) detection methods for refinery fugitive emissions (leaks) of...
Dieselisation of the fuel market is accelerating as commercial transport increases and as the fuel consumption of new passenger cars decreases. At the same time, the recent US revolution in shale gas and tight oil is putting new pressure on worldwide refining as more...
The articles in this Concawe Review describes on ongoing work by Concawe to further contribute to the safety of everyone working in our industry, to improve the environmental performance in the manufacture of fuels and other oil products and to develop the fuels for...
The Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution (2005) has been under review since 2011 with the first of five stakeholder meetings taking place in January 2012. The underpinning work is very complex and relies heavily on modelling studies. CONCAWE as an active stakeholder has...
As the world’s population moves towards 9 billion, societal expectation is that we find solutions to the fundamental problems of meeting increasing energy requirements whilst reducing the impact on the environment by using precious resources in the most efficient way....