Evaluating energy pathways: from well to wheels

Evaluating energy pathways: from well to wheels

Over the past decade, the JEC Research Consortium1 has been working together to better understand the complex issues associated with future vehicles and fuels. While some of this work has involved practical vehicle testing, much of the Consortium’s work has been on...
Forward-looking perspective on oil and gas production in Europe

Forward-looking perspective on oil and gas production in Europe

In 2010 world energy demand was equivalent to about 260 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), and oil and gas represented 54% of this global demand. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), demand is expected to increase by about 35% by 2035,...
Petrochemical feedstocks: the cornerstone of competitiveness

Petrochemical feedstocks: the cornerstone of competitiveness

Future outlookThe future of much of Europe’s chemical industry depends heavily upon the availability of affordable petrochemical feedstocks. In the Middle East, where petrochemical feedstocks are cheap, and in China, where demand is surging, producers are...
CONCAWE Review – Spring 2013

CONCAWE Review – Spring 2013

Fifty years ago—in October 1963—six international oil companies operating European refineries decided to form a new Study Group. The objective of this Study Group was to assist the oil companies in Western Europe at the time in their study of the scientific facts and...
Providing information and guidance on water and soil management

Providing information and guidance on water and soil management

When CONCAWE was formed in 1963, the conservation of Europe’s water resources was one of the main drivers, following the commitment made by the industry at the 6th World Petroleum Congress. Water remains an essential resource that has, over the years, come...