Supporting the oil industry’s commitment to safe operations

Supporting the oil industry’s commitment to safe operations

The refining industry values the safety of its employees and staff working in its installations, as well as those living in communities near to its installations. Personal safety and safe operations are prerequisites for an industry that routinely produces and...
Fifty years of air quality conservation

Fifty years of air quality conservation

Looking back over 50 years, it is clear why attention to air quality and its relationship with emissions has been, and still is, one of the leading activities carried out by CONCAWE for its members. The concerns of the 1960s, addressed by enormous efforts over the...
A new ‘pooled’ analysis of benzene effects on human health

A new ‘pooled’ analysis of benzene effects on human health

For many years, the effects of benzene on human health have been a concern of health experts and air quality regulators. Because of these concerns, regulatory limits and technological developments have resulted in progressive reductions in benzene concentrations in...
Benchmarking CO2 emissions from European refineries

Benchmarking CO2 emissions from European refineries

The regulatory landscapeUnder the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) Directive, industrial emitters of greenhouse gases (GHGs) must deliver emission permits or allowances every year that equal their actual GHG emissions for that year. In the first and...
Evaluating the Value of a Life Year (VOLY)

Evaluating the Value of a Life Year (VOLY)

Today’s European air quality policy uses cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to assess the effectiveness of different measures to mitigate air pollution. This involves comparing the cost of achieving emission reductions with the benefits of reducing the concentrations...