Impacts of air pollutant caps on climate

Impacts of air pollutant caps on climate

Air pollution is a major issue in an increasing number of megacities around the world, and new policies to address urban air pollution are likely to be enacted in many developing countries irrespective of the participation of these countries in any explicit future...
EU-wide BAT—an expensive suit that doesn’t fit everybody!

EU-wide BAT—an expensive suit that doesn’t fit everybody!

The ‘Clean Air For Europe’ (CAFE) programme, carried out over the past three years by the EU Commission’s DG Environment, has resulted in the recent publication of the ‘Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution’ (TSAP) which provides a ‘road map’ for the review of existing...
CONCAWE Review – Autumn 2005

CONCAWE Review – Autumn 2005

Volume 14, number 2: 2005 has been a year of positive developments for CONCAWE. Through its heavy involvement in the development of the CAFE programme and in the Fuels Directive review process, our Association has confirmed its established reputation as a professional...