Using the EU-refinery model introduced in the previous article, CONCAWE has evaluated the potential consequences of a reduction of the diesel fuel polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) specification on the European refining industry from the point of view of costs...
For many years CONCAWE has maintained a model of the European refining system in order to be able to evaluate the potential impact of major changes, such as more stringent product specifications or shifts in crude supply and/or product demand patterns. Although the...
The yearly CONCAWE report on the safety and environmental performance of European cross-country pipelines is complete and will be published soon. The data collected for 2003 from 65 companies and other bodies covers 250 different pipelines with a combined length of...
In October 2000 the European Commission published an all-encompassing Directive for water. Five years on from the first concept, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) was intended to replace a patchwork of other legislation, often overlapping and even contradictory,...
Road transport is one of the greatest conundrums challenging the sustainability of our lifestyles today. Mobility is essential—for the individual, for commerce and for industry. Indeed, the increased prosperity of the past 40 years has been underpinned by road...