Prolonged exposure to excessive noise may cause damage to an individual’s hearing ability or a so-called ‘Noise-Induced Hearing Loss’ (NIHL). In EU Member States, occupational exposure to noise is controlled by legislation based on the requirements of European Council...
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified certain individual polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) as carcinogenic to animals and probably carcinogenic to humans. Current PAH concentrations in European ambient air are the lowest ever...
Directive 1999/45/EC, the revised Dangerous Preparation Directive (DPD), has recently replaced the original Directive 88/379/EEC. The scope of the DPD has been expanded to include environmental classification and labelling criteria for preparations, revised disclosure...
In response to growing concern over urban air quality in the European Union, the 90s saw an unprecedented legislative focus on reducing emissions from road transport. The Consolidated Vehicles Directive (CVD) and its revision (Council Directives 91/441/EEC and...
For many years now, CONCAWE has produced a regular update to their report on ‘motor vehicle emission regulations and fuel specifications’. Over the years, this has become a key compilation and ready reference manual for many readers. A comprehensive update has...