MTBE in gasoline

MTBE in gasoline

The abbreviation MTBE refers to methyl tertiary butyl ether—a volatile, water-soluble, oxygencontaining,colourless liquid with an ethereal odour. In Europe, it is used mainly to boost octane rating, especially in unleaded and lead-replacement grades. It is being used...
The Precautionary Principle

The Precautionary Principle

The ‘Precautionary Principle’ has become very much a part of the vocabulary of the general environmental scene today. It has found its way into various international declarations and conventions, is being reflected in national legislation and is also included...
European air quality: changing priorities

European air quality: changing priorities

The second European Auto/Oil Programme (AO II) mentioned in the preceding articles has involved the European Commission, together with Member States, industry1 and the NGO community, over the past three years. A major goal of this programme has been to assess...
Carbon, sulphur and hydrogen in oil refineries

Carbon, sulphur and hydrogen in oil refineries

Accurately calculating the global carbon balance in oil refinery and petroleum product end-use systems is a challenge of nightmare proportions. All except the lightest of the output streams are of uncertain and variable chemical composition. Oil refining deals with...