The Seveso 2 Directive

The Seveso 2 Directive

The subject of this report is the Council Directive on the Control of Major Accident Hazards involving dangerous substances, popularly known as the COMAH Directive or, alternatively, Seveso 2. This Directive applies to establishments which hold more than specified...
Best Available Techniques to reduce emissions from refineries

Best Available Techniques to reduce emissions from refineries

Over the past few years, European governments have progressively sought the application of Best Available Techniques (BAT) for the control of environmental emissions from a range of industrial sectors, including the oil industry. This culminated in the Integrated...
What will European air quality be like in the future?

What will European air quality be like in the future?

The community of official stakeholders (Commission personnel, Members of Parliament and Parliament Staff, Member State civil servants, academics, industry specialists and environmentalists alike) are all aware, through their own day-to-day experiences, media reports,...
Assessing the monetary benefit of improving air quality

Assessing the monetary benefit of improving air quality

The European Commission and some Member States have recently carried out studies to estimate the monetary benefits of proposals to improve air quality and reduce adverse effects on the environment. Early studies suggested extremely high monetary benefits arising from...