The European Green Deal tackles all aspects of our industry, and it is no surprise that all of the articles in this edition of the Concawe Review are related to it. In light of the zero pollution action plan and the proposed revision of the air quality standards, the...
The move towards climate neutrality is clearly on its way: last year, the European Commission launched its Green Deal; and Japan, the Republic of Korea and more than 100 other countries worldwide have made public commitments to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. These...
Concawe has commissioned a new study to evaluate state-of-the-art carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies, with a focus on commercial/near-term opportunities for CCS that are already in the market or expected to be available in the 2025–2030 time frame, as well...
Focusing on three of the scenarios defined in the European Commission’s long-term strategy, A Clean Planet for all, Concawe has published a report that assesses the potential reductions in CO2 emissions, together with the implications for the EU refining sector in...
Version 5 of the JEC evaluation of well-to-wheels energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for a range of potential future fuel and powertrain options has now been completed. Full details are available online via the JEC consortium website. This article provides an...