Persistence and mobility (defined as organic‑carbon partitioning) do not correlate to the detection of substances found in surface and groundwater: Criticism of the regulatory concept of persistent and mobile substances

Persistence and mobility (defined as organic‑carbon partitioning) do not correlate to the detection of substances found in surface and groundwater: Criticism of the regulatory concept of persistent and mobile substances

The Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) includes actions to ensure the protection of drinking water resources from chemical pollution. To proactively identify potential pollutants, the German Environment Agency (UBA) proposed the Persistent and Mobile (PM)...
User Manual for Concawe LNAPL Toolbox

User Manual for Concawe LNAPL Toolbox

Report no. 5/22: LNAPL stands for “Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids” or hydrocarbons that exist as a separate undissolved phase in the subsurface at some sites with legacy releases of fuels. They are referred to as “Light” because most petroleum hydrocarbons are less...