Report no. 10/02: This report examines the sulphur balances of European oil refineries and the sulphur contents of oil products based on a CONCAWE survey of 1998 actual data.Comparisons are made with data from the previous CONCAWE surveys of 199 2and 1995. The...
Since the late ’70s, CONCAWE has conducted three yearly surveys of its Member Companies to provide detailed data on sulphur in crude oil and petroleum products, and sulphur emissions to air. The most recent survey, covering the year 1998, includes data from 79...
The Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive, adopted in September 1996, requires Member States to issue permits for major industrial installations (such as oil refineries) to promote the use of Best Available Techniques (BAT) for...
Following the completion of the formal ‘conciliation procedure’ of the EU Institutions, a joint text for the revision of the 1988 Directive (88/609/EEC) on ‘the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from Large Combustion Plants’ was approved by...
Report no. 99/57: A year-long study of benzene-in-air concentrations at the boundaries of three refineries has been carried out.The sampling technique employed was passive diffusion tubes. Sampling locations were fixed at 12 or 16 points around the...