Following the completion of the formal ‘conciliation procedure’ of the EU Institutions, a joint text for the revision of the 1988 Directive (88/609/EEC) on ‘the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from Large Combustion Plants’ was approved by...
Report no. 99/57: A year-long study of benzene-in-air concentrations at the boundaries of three refineries has been carried out.The sampling technique employed was passive diffusion tubes. Sampling locations were fixed at 12 or 16 points around the...
Report no. 99/01: BAT Reference documents (BREFs) are to be prepared by the European IPPC Bureau established at JRC/IPTS in Seville, and the Refinery BREF is scheduled for 1999. It is understood that the oil industry will be involved in the preparation of this...
Over the past few years, European governments have progressively sought the application of Best Available Techniques (BAT) for the control of environmental emissions from a range of industrial sectors, including the oil industry. This culminated in the Integrated...
Report no. 6/95: This report quantifies the impact of demand arid product quality changes on refinery energy consumption, and therefore CO2 emissions, covering the period from 1980 through to 2010. Refinery energy consumption remained relatively constant during the...