Report no. 9/17: This report examines if and how forest carbon credits can potentially be used to offset emissions from the EU refining and road transport sectors. Forest carbon projects involve either forestation (capturing CO2 from the atmosphere during the growth...
Report no. 8/17: This report summarises the discussions held during the “Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) integrated exposure modelling” 2-day workshop organized by the Flemish Institute for technological research (VITO) together with Concawe on 8 – 9th...
Report no. 4/17: This report is an update of the Concawe publication “Air Pollutant Emission Estimation Methods for EPER and PRTR Reporting by Refineries”.
Report no. 9/16: This report provides emission factors for nine metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium and zinc) emitted to atmosphere during the combustion of refinery fuel gas in boilers and furnaces. It also provides a factor...