Report no. 3/15: This report is an update of the Concawe publication “Air Pollutant Emission Estimation Methods for EPER and PRTR Reporting by Refineries”. It provides algorithms to permit emission estimates to be made by refineries to meet the reporting requirements...
Report no. 2/15: This report provides a review of the air pollutant emissions data submitted by national authorities for oil refineries in the E-PRTR from 2007 to 2011. Detailed analyses are given for five pollutants (SOx, NOx, NMVOCs, CO2 and benzene).
This article summarizes the Concawe study, ‘Techniques for detecting and quantifying fugitive emissions—results of comparative field studies’, that compares the two BAT (best available techniques) detection methods for refinery fugitive emissions (leaks) of...
Report no. 12/14: This report provides the results of a programme of work undertaken to compare the controlled rate of release of propane from a simulated floating roof tank with the flux determined using information on wind data and DIAL measurements. The effects of...
Report no. 5/14: This report reviews the different methods available to estimate annual Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emissions from primary oil-water separator systems in refineries and discusses the results obtained by applying some of these in two field trials...