Report no. 13/22: This report provides an assessment of the extent to which toxicity testing is carried on European refinery effluents, and the types of tests being used. The analysis is based on responses given to Concawe water use and effluent quality surveys...
Report no. 11/22: This report provides an overview of spot and passive sampling data of three refinery effluents after treatment that were collected for chemical and ecotoxicological effluent assessment. The report includes a discussion of the relationships between...
Report no. 7/22: Petroleum refinery effluents (PRE) are wastewaters from industries associated with oil refining. Within EU, PREs are regulated through local discharge permits and receive significant treatment before emission. After treatment, PREs can still contain...
Report no. 5/22: LNAPL stands for “Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids” or hydrocarbons that exist as a separate undissolved phase in the subsurface at some sites with legacy releases of fuels. They are referred to as “Light” because most petroleum hydrocarbons are less...
Report no. 4/22: The current Best Available Techniques (BAT) Reference document (BREF) for the mineral oil refining sector (REF BREF) contains requirements such as reducing water consumption by water recycling and internal water reuse. However, the terms water reuse,...