Refinery effluents represent an emission source of hydrocarbons (HCs) and other constituents to the environment. Thus, characterisation of effluent quality in terms of concentrations of key parameters relative to permitted standards is important and for total...
Cyanide compounds are naturally emitted into the environment in low levels by degradation processes or emitted from anthropogenic sources. In surface water, complex cyanide compounds as well as “free cyanide” are present. The latter term covers hydrogen cyanide and...
Report no. 19/20: This report describes research carried out to determine: a) the environmental conditions which may support Ethyl tert butyl ether (ETBE) biodegradation in groundwater, b) the prevalence of ETBE biodegradation potential at ETBE-release sites (mainly)...
Report no. 14/20: The group of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) is a large family of anthropogenic substances with a wide range of industrial applications. Due to their specific properties, PFAS are also used as ingredients in many formulations of...
Report no. 10/20: Since 1969, Concawe has been gathering and compiling data on aqueous effluents from European oil refinery installations. Surveys have been completed at 3-5 yearly intervals and the survey design has been updated over time to address various...