At the start of CONCAWE’s life in 1963, air quality was seen mainly as a ‘local air’ issue and the bulk of legislation in force was based on the prevention of nuisance. How things have changed! Now we have legislation on air-related issues that are regional,...
As part of the Commission’s Clean Air For Europeprogramme (CAFE), the World Health Organization’s (WHO) European Centre for Environment and Health has been contracted to update its guidance with respect to the health effects of fine particulates and ozone....
Ten years of modelling experience It is now nearly 10 years since CONCAWE decided to develop a tool to model the European refining industry and evaluate the likely impact of future changes such as legislative measures affecting the quality of refinery products. There...
AIRNET is the acronym for the Thematic Network on Air Pollution and Health. The Network has been funded by the Commission’s DG Research to help with the interpretation of results of European research into health effects from air pollution.
In response to concerns over the contribution of international shipping to air pollution, during the 1990s, the International Maritime Organization of the United Nations developed an annex to the MARPOL Convention covering air pollution from ships (Annex VI). This...