AIRNET is the acronym for the Thematic Network on Air Pollution and Health. The Network has been funded by the Commission’s DG Research to help with the interpretation of results of European research into health effects from air pollution.
SO2 emissions from ships in Europe

SO2 emissions from ships in Europe

In response to concerns over the contribution of international shipping to air pollution, during the 1990s, the International Maritime Organization of the United Nations developed an annex to the MARPOL Convention covering air pollution from ships (Annex VI). This...
Future EU air legislation

Future EU air legislation

Historically, environmental legislation has been driven by either ‘available technology’ or ‘environmental quality’. In the former approach, available technology is applied to progressively reduce emissions of the pollutants of concern. It implies that a common...
Air quality trends in London confirm predictions

Air quality trends in London confirm predictions

In response to growing concern over urban air quality in the European Union, the 90s saw an unprecedented legislative focus on reducing emissions from road transport. The Consolidated Vehicles Directive (CVD) and its revision (Council Directives 91/441/EEC and...
Emission control at marine terminals

Emission control at marine terminals

The European ‘Stage 1’ Directive 94/63/EC on the control of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions mandates the installation of vapour emission controls for automotive gasoline storage and loading of road and rail tankers and inland waterway barges. Ship loading...