Literature review of Particulate Matter (PM) from transport with a special focus on organic aerosols
Report no. 2/22: Several recent scientific studies on urban air quality have suggested that air quality modelling based on current emission inventories for mobile sources systematically underestimates the contribution of these sources to ambient particulate matter...
How Covid-19 lockdown affected air pollution in Europe — a multi-city analysis (Concawe Review 30.1)
Concawe has undertaken a city-level analysis to quantify the ways in which the Covid-19 lockdown measures have had an impact on air quality in Europe. This article presents the results of the analysis for particulate matter (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone...
Understanding the process of setting air quality limit values and the associated compliance challenge—the ozone study (Concawe Review 30.1)
The European Commission is proposing to revise air quality standards to align them more closely with the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. This article focuses on O₃, and assesses how current and projected compliance trends will change under the current EU...