Report no. 11/16: An exploration into the effect of emission reduction scenarios on compliance with the ambient air quality limit values for the EU-27 countries in urban environments.
Report no. 1/15R: A series of emissions, occupational exposures, and mutagenic hazard studies were conducted to assess the risk associated with the loading of commercial Heavy Fuel Oils onto barges on the inland waterways. This report summarises the results from the...
Integrated Assessment Modelling (IAM) has been at the heart of European air quality policy development for more than two decades3. Such tools provide a useful framework for policy makers to connect the increasingly complex science dealing with multiple pollutants and...
Looking back over 50 years, it is clear why attention to air quality and its relationship with emissions has been, and still is, one of the leading activities carried out by CONCAWE for its members. The concerns of the 1960s, addressed by enormous efforts over the...
Today’s European air quality policy uses cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to assess the effectiveness of different measures to mitigate air pollution. This involves comparing the cost of achieving emission reductions with the benefits of reducing the concentrations...