Report of a Workshop on Environment and Health: Air Quality Research Needs in the EU 7th Framework Programme of Research
An open international workshop was convened to debate research needs for the EU in the field of health effects of ambient air pollution in the wider context of environmental factors and public health. The workshop provided scientific updates in a number of key areas...
New ship emissions inventory for the Mediterranean Sea
In order to provide an up-to-date ship emission inventory for the Mediterranean Sea, a study (further referred to as the ‘CONCAWE study’) was recently completed for CONCAWE by the environmental and engineering consultancy Entec UK Ltd. Entec have been involved in a...
Analysis of the CAFE cost benefit analysis
Report no. 4/06: This report discusses a few aspects of the Cost Benefits Analysis that was developed within the context of the Clean Air For Europe (CAFE) programme of the European Commission. The aspects considered are the monetisation of impacts of air pollution on...