Three-way catalyst performance using natural gas with two different sulphur levels
Report no. 6/20: Stoichiometric engines running on natural gas rely on three-way catalysts to meet limits e.g. Euro 6 regarding emissions of hydrocarbons (including methane), carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen. As is well known from decades of industry experience...
Air emissions from the refining sector. Analysis of E-PRTR data 2007-2017
Report no. 4/20: This report is an updated version of the Concawe Report No 4/18 providing a review of the air pollutant emissions data submitted by national authorities for oil refineries in the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) from 2007 to...
Aquatic toxicity of petroleum substances: Extending the validation of the biomimetic extraction (BE) method for use in hazard assessments
Report no. 3/20: Analysis of Water Accommodated Fractions (WAFs) of petroleum product samples using Biomimetic Extraction (BE) with solid phase microextraction (SPME) predicts accumulation and baseline toxicity of chemicals with a narcotic mode of action. Recent...