Biodegradation testing of volatile hydrophobic chemicals in water-sediment systems – Experimental developments and challenges
Degradation data are crucial for the persistence assessment of chemicals and they are generated using standard OECD guidelines. The OECD 308 describes a simulation biodegradation test of chemicals in water-sediment systems. This guideline is not applicable for testing...
Air pollutant emission estimation methods for E-PRTR reporting by refineries
Report no. 4/19: This report is an update of the Concawe publication “Air Pollutant Emission Estimation Methods for EPER and PRTR Reporting by Refineries”. It provides algorithms to permit emission estimates to be made by refineries to meet the reporting requirements...
Benzene Monitoring: Technical aspects of the OEL proposal of 0.05ppm
If the benzene OEL is lowered as recommended by RAC, the petroleum industry would need to consider: 1. Monitoring methods should target a lower OEL and therefore must be updated accordingly. 2. The number of samples needed for the survey will be higher. With an OEL of...