Report no. 3/15: This report is an update of the Concawe publication “Air Pollutant Emission Estimation Methods for EPER and PRTR Reporting by Refineries”. It provides algorithms to permit emission estimates to be made by refineries to meet the reporting requirements...
Report no. 2/15: This report provides a review of the air pollutant emissions data submitted by national authorities for oil refineries in the E-PRTR from 2007 to 2011. Detailed analyses are given for five pollutants (SOx, NOx, NMVOCs, CO2 and benzene).
The trend in discharges of petroleum‐related substances from refineries in Europe shows a consistent picture of declining emissions, since first measured in 1969. This decline coincides with enhanced internal capture or recycling procedures and increasing use of...
Report no. 1/15R: A series of emissions, occupational exposures, and mutagenic hazard studies were conducted to assess the risk associated with the loading of commercial Heavy Fuel Oils onto barges on the inland waterways. This report summarises the results from the...
This article summarizes the Concawe study, ‘Techniques for detecting and quantifying fugitive emissions—results of comparative field studies’, that compares the two BAT (best available techniques) detection methods for refinery fugitive emissions (leaks) of...