Refining BREF review – air emissions

Refining BREF review – air emissions

Report no. 4/09: A review of emission and abatement technologies has been carried out to inform the review of the Reference Document for Best Available Techniques for the Mineral Oil and Gas Refining Industries (the BREF) which acts as a guidance to permit authorities...
Particle emissions from modern vehicles

Particle emissions from modern vehicles

Ultra-low sulphur fuels have enabled the introduction of modern engine and after-treatment technologies in order to meet increasingly stringent exhaust emissions limits. Through these improvements, substantial reductions in road vehicle emissions have occurred over...
Cost-benefit analysis for air quality policies

Cost-benefit analysis for air quality policies

An article published in CONCAWE Review Vol. 15, No. 2, described the methodology for assigning a monetary value to the effects of air pollution on human health. In the present article we briefly reintroduce some important concepts, discuss updates of actual monetary...