Since 1979 CONCAWE has conducted a regular fouryearly survey of its member companies to determine how the fate of sulphur through the refining process changes over time. The last sulphur survey was for the year ending 2006. The main results are presented in the report...
Since 1979 CONCAWE has conducted a regular fouryearly survey of its member companies to determine how the fate of sulphur through the refining process changes over time. The last sulphur survey was for the year ending 2006. The main results are presented in the report...
Industrial sites in Europe are required to have an operating permit issued under the national implementation of the IPPC Directive. The permit conditions require that the emissions to air and to water should be consistent with the application of Best Available...
Report no. 4/09: A review of emission and abatement technologies has been carried out to inform the review of the Reference Document for Best Available Techniques for the Mineral Oil and Gas Refining Industries (the BREF) which acts as a guidance to permit authorities...
Report no. 1/09: This report is the first revision of CONCAWE Report 3/07, which itself replaced Report No. 9/05R Air Pollutant Emission Estimation Methods for EPER and PRTR Reporting by Refineries. It provides algorithms to permit emission estimates to be made by...