Oil in water analysis

Oil in water analysis

The determination of the oil content of refinery effluent water has long been a subject of studies. CONCAWE first published a report on oil in water analysis in 1972. Although we all know what ‘oil’ is, it cannot be defined scientifically as it may contain millions...


AIRNET is the acronym for the Thematic Network on Air Pollution and Health. The Network has been funded by the Commission’s DG Research to help with the interpretation of results of European research into health effects from air pollution.
Amended safety data sheet directive (2001/58/EC)

Amended safety data sheet directive (2001/58/EC)

Report no. 5/02: This report outlines the requirements of the amended EU Safety Data SheetDirective and reviews the implications for the oil industry. A copy of the amended Safety Data Sheet Directive is included as an appendix.