Reducing the sulphur content of residual marine fuels

Reducing the sulphur content of residual marine fuels

The legislative context Residual fuel is a commodity used by sea-going vessels the world over. The quality specifications of residual marine or ‘bunker’ fuels (RMF) result essentially from self regulation of the industry and agreements between producers and consumers....
Groundwater and the groundwater daughter directive

Groundwater and the groundwater daughter directive

The Groundwater Directive (GWD) is a daughter directive of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and has the potential to significantly affect downstream petroleum operations. It is currently undergoing its second reading in the EU parliament and gives rise to very...
Impacts of air pollutant caps on climate

Impacts of air pollutant caps on climate

Air pollution is a major issue in an increasing number of megacities around the world, and new policies to address urban air pollution are likely to be enacted in many developing countries irrespective of the participation of these countries in any explicit future...
A European framework for water quality

A European framework for water quality

In October 2000 the European Commission published an all-encompassing Directive for water. Five years on from the first concept, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) was intended to replace a patchwork of other legislation, often overlapping and even contradictory,...