Particulates and policy — the role of models

Particulates and policy — the role of models

In the companion article in this Review (pp. 6–9) we examine the current state of understanding on the sources of particulate matter (emission inventories) and their contribution to ambient levels in the air we breathe (source apportionment). This serves to highlight...
Ambient particulate matter: sources and apportioning

Ambient particulate matter: sources and apportioning

The quality of the air we breathe has become an increasingly important and emotive issue over the past few years. To date, the regulation of air quality has focused mainly on outdoor air (even though for particular pollutants, indoor concentrations may be greater and...
Best available techniques to reduce emissions from refineries

Best available techniques to reduce emissions from refineries

Report no. 99/01: BAT Reference documents (BREFs) are to be prepared by the European IPPC Bureau established at JRC/IPTS in Seville, and the Refinery BREF is scheduled for 1999. It is understood that the oil industry will be involved in the preparation of this...