Ecotoxicological testing of petroleum products: test methodology
Report no. 92/56: This report reviews the applicability of standard ecotoxicological tests for petroleum products and provides guidance on the choice of appropriate methodology.
Closing the gasoline system – control of gasoline emissions from the distribution system and vehicles
Report no. 3/90: This report shows that a series of measures effectively closing up the gasoline system of distribution and use in motor vehicles is the preferred strategy to control gasoline emissions. These emissions contribute about 40% to the volatile organic...
Costs to reduce the sulphur content of diesel fuel
Report no. 10/89: This study examines the consequences to refineries of making step-wise reductions in the sulphur content of diesel fuel from 0.26 to 0.05% wt. The EC-12’s 95 refineries have been grouped into four categories for the purposes of representing...