Report no. 6/87: This report summarises the conclusions drawn by CONCAWE from its recent work on volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in Western Europe. The underlying data are published by CONCAWE; VOC emissions inventories are addressed in Reports Nos. 2/F6 and...
Report no. 87/52: CONCAWE has recognised that, despite the relatively small contribution to hydrocarbon emissions in Europe arising from petroleum refining and distribution, there is need for documentation on control techniques applicable in these sectors,with an...
Report no. 4/86: In view of the continuing interest in the costs of desulphuriration in connection with possible sulphur control strategies, CONCAWE has updated the costs of residue hydrodesulphurirstion taking account of the latest commercial technological...
Report no. 5/86: An assessment has been made of the energy consumption and oil combustion related sulphur emissions in the period 1980-2000 for the EEC-I0 countries. The possibility of further sulphur emissions reduction and its effects an cost and refining...
Report no. 2/86: This report gives details of an inventory compiled by Concawe and covering man-made non-methane volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in Western Europe. The survey shows that the major man-made sources are road transport end solvents, each...