Report no. 2/20: The report details the outcome of a follow-up project of a study initiated by Concawe in 2013, investigating the occupational exposure to emissions from hot Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) (inhalation exposure to aerosols and vapours) during inland barge loading...
Are dose–response relationships for benzene and health effects such as myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) supra-linear, with disproportionately high risks at low concentrations, e.g. below 1 ppm? To investigate this hypothesis, we apply...
Report no. 13/18: For the exposure assessment in the 2010 REACH dossiers of petroleum substances, Concawe has used the Tier 1 exposure model ECETOC TRA v.2. In order to account for the heavier, less volatile and more complex petroleum substances and the corresponding...
Report no. 9/18: Exposures to benzene and benzene-containing products are generally well controlled within industry. However, given the recent findings of a possible association of myelodysplastic syndrome with exposure levels that approach some Short Term Exposure...
The health effects of benzene have been a major concern for regulators and health experts for many years. This has led to significantly lower regulatory threshold limits (such as occupational exposure limits, OELs) and the implementation of corresponding risk...