Report no. 6/16: The IP 346 method was adopted as a screening assay to predict the carcinogenicity of specific petroleum streams. Its application is based on a strong correlation with results from over 100 mouse dermal carcinogenicity studies, which were reported in a...
Report no. 4/16: This report focuses on published toxicology and epidemiology studies that have examined the relationship between sulphur dioxide exposures and the occurrence of acute and chronic health effects in laboratory animals and humans. All relevant studies...
Report no. 8/15: A study was conducted to characterize sampling and analysis methods for the measurement of the personal workplace exposure concentration of gas oil vapours and aerosols and in particular, to describe their ability to quantify the aerosol-vapour...
Report no. 1/15R: A series of emissions, occupational exposures, and mutagenic hazard studies were conducted to assess the risk associated with the loading of commercial Heavy Fuel Oils onto barges on the inland waterways. This report summarises the results from the...
Report no. 14/14: This study investigates dermal exposure to petrol and diesel fuel in service station attendants responsible for the refuelling of automobiles. In phase 1 of the study, six attendants from three service stations wore a carbon patch sample inside and...