Air quality and health: looking ahead
Evolving scientific insights over the past twenty years. The past twenty years have seen major changes in the techniques and findings of studies on air pollution and health, changes which set today’s stage for looking forward to what remains to be learned. Beginning...
Use of motor fuels and lubricants: habits and practices of consumers in Europe
Report no. 4/14: A structured survey of European consumers was carried out across 250 participants to better understand their habits and practices concerning their use of vehicle fuels and lubricants. This report contains the findings of the survey. The information...
Assessment of Recent Health Studies of Long-Term Exposure to Ozone
Report no. 3/14: This report summarises the assessment of the policy relevant long-term health studies published since the last update of the ozone Air Quality Limit Value (AQLV). This project was undertaken in preparation for the European Union 2013 Year of Air...