The concerns about global warming and greenhouse effect have, quite justifiably, fueled the search for ‘carbon-free’ energy sources to curb CO2 emissions. Road transport is a major user of energy and virtually all of it is based on relatively ‘carbon-intensive’ fossil...
Integrity of oil pipelines in Western Europe
The CONCAWE pipeline statistics now includes data from 72 companies and other bodies operating oil pipelines in Western Europe. These organizations operate some 250 different service pipelines which, at the end of 1999, had a combined length of 30 720 km; this length...
Estimating the implications of road fuels quality changes on the EU refining industry
Calculations of the cost and global CO2 emission implications to European refining arising as a consequence of required measures such as the Auto/Oil I and potential future Auto/Oil II legislation need to be done in a very particular way using long-range regional...