This document provides our sectoral input to the Energy Intensive Industries (EII) initiative supported by DG GROW submitted in September 2018 with the aim to contribute to the EU long term Strategy. The information included in the present document is based on...
This article describes the importance of carbon capture and storage (CCS) in meeting future emission targets. It presents an evaluation of the costs of retrofitting CCS technology in a range of existing refineries, and considers the reasons why these estimates are...
This working plan is the first publication in a series planned to assess the technology developments across different transport sectors that will contribute to the EU decarbonisation goals and defines the basis for a new cross-cutting area of research in Concawe: the...
As refineries face the prospect of a 0.5% m/m global sulphur limit in marine fuel oil by 2020, a number of studies have been carried out to assess the challenges they will face in meeting the demand for lower-sulphur marine fuels. The bunker residual fuel oil market...
Report no. 9/17: This report examines if and how forest carbon credits can potentially be used to offset emissions from the EU refining and road transport sectors. Forest carbon projects involve either forestation (capturing CO2 from the atmosphere during the growth...