In the late 1970s, with growing emphasis on urban air quality in Europe, CONCAWE embarked on new research related to fuels and vehicles. After only a few years, it became clear that fuel properties and specifications would be increasingly important to the future...
Report no. 9/12: In the third trading period under the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), refineries and other eligible industrial installations may be granted free CO2 emission allowances according to a benchmark based on the 10% most efficient installations in the...
The regulatory landscapeUnder the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) Directive, industrial emitters of greenhouse gases (GHGs) must deliver emission permits or allowances every year that equal their actual GHG emissions for that year. In the first and...
Over the past decade, biofuels have become part of the road fuel supply, driven by legislation aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of road transport. The EU has led the way, first with an indicative target for biofuels blending in 2003, and subsequently with the...
In 2000, when the ‘JEC’ Consortium was formed (see the box on page 7), the first area identified for joint research was the ‘cradle-to-grave’ comparison of conventional and alternative road fuels and powertrains in Europe. In those early days, ‘Well-to-Wheels’...