ERTRAC—European Road Transport Research Advisory Council

ERTRAC—European Road Transport Research Advisory Council

Road transport is one of the greatest conundrums challenging the sustainability of our lifestyles today. Mobility is essential—for the individual, for commerce and for industry. Indeed, the increased prosperity of the past 40 years has been underpinned by road...
Monitoring and reporting of CO2 emissions from oil refineries

Monitoring and reporting of CO2 emissions from oil refineries

The ‘Greenhouse gas emissions trading Directive’ (2003/87/EC), due to take effect in 2005, will require oil refineries to obtain permits for emitting CO2 and, more generally, greenhouse gases (GHG). The scheme will be based on allocated or purchased emission permits...
Joint European Well-to-Wheels study

Joint European Well-to-Wheels study

The Well-to-Wheels (WTW) study carried out jointly by EUCAR, JRC/IES and CONCAWE was completed at the end of 2003. The study considered a wide range of primary energy sources, automotive fuels and powertrains. The energy and GHG balance was estimated for close to 500...