Environmental Impacts of Marine SO2 Emissions

Environmental Impacts of Marine SO2 Emissions

Report no. 1/18: This report details work that was carried out to study the impact of emissions from international shipping on air quality, with a focus on sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions. Emission inventories are discussed and put into perspective versus emissions...
Marine Fuel Facts

Marine Fuel Facts

Learn more about Marine Fuels. Background Information: Background on Shipping Sources of Atmospheric Sulphur Emissions Marine Fuel Regulations Current Situation, Alternatives and Possible Outcomes Refining Impact – Fuel Availability Concerns Scrubbers and Other...
Transportation and fuels: looking ahead at the future of marine fuels

Transportation and fuels: looking ahead at the future of marine fuels

The global marine fuel market is generally accepted to be about 250 million tonnes per annum (pa). Today’s marine fuel would be recognisable to those who bought, sold and used marine fuels for the past 70 years, except for new requirements a few years from now to...