Report no. 99/56: This report presents the results of a study to assess the EU-15 refining industry implications of changing gasoline and diesel fuel characteristics, for 2005 onwards. The study’s starting point is the EU Council Common Position on the AO1 proposed...
Gasoline volatility specifications are defined in volatility classes in the European Standard EN 228. CEN member countries have selected up to three volatility classes to satisfy the driveability requirements for their market based on regional climatic variations over...
Report no. 99/51: CONCAWE has reviewed the current gasoline volatility specifications within EN228 relating to hot weather drive ability, i.e. RVP, E70 and Vapour Lock Index (VLI), in anticipation of changes to volatility characteristics after year 2000, due to the...
Report no. 98/55: A comprehensive literature review of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in automotive exhaust emissions and fuels has been conducted. Sources and mechanisms of their formation in the internal combustion engine are discussed. Analytical techniques...
Report no. 5/98: CONCAWE has conducted a new survey of gasoline qualities in sixteen European countries. Over 1100 samples were collected in the summer period 1996 and analysed. This report summarises the findings by country.