Report no. 3/95: CONCAWE has conducted a survey of diesel fuel quality in fifteen European countries. Over1300 samples were collected in the period 1991-1993 and analysed. This report summarizes the findings by country. Only limited data were available for fuel...
Report no. 95/57: This report outlines a generalized approach to reducing worker exposure to solid and liquid catalysts during refinery catalyst handling activities such as reactor loading, unloading and screening. Many catalyst handling operations have the potential...
Report no. 95/53: This report extends the investigation published as CONCAWE Report No. 94/59, which studied the influence of gasoline back-end volatility and composition on regulated emissions. This Part 2 report describes the full hydrocarbon andaldehyde/ketone...
Report no. 94/56: This report further evaluates the study reported in CONCAWE Report No. 94/55 and documents the ability of oxidation catalyst technology to reduce the influence of diesel fuel properties on exhaust emissions performance. The relationship between fuel...
Report no. 94/59: Ten European vehicles, meeting the requirements of the EU ‘Consolidated Emissions Directive’, have been tested on a matrix of seven gasolines over the current ECE+EUDC test cycle. The programme was designed to investigate the effects of...