Currently, European CO2 emission and fuel economy targets for the automotive sector are based on the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC), a driving cycle that was not originally designed for this purpose. This has led to an increasing gap between the real-world average...
Concawe fact sheet on Passenger Car Emissions and Test Cycles. Background to Passenger Car Emissions and Test Cycles Transportation, amongst other sectors and including road and non-road vehicles, aviation, rail and marine contributes to air quality and greenhouse gas...
Report no. 14/16: Modern diesel passenger cars utilize Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) to reduce particulate matter exhaust emissions. In addition oxygenated fuels and fuel blending components such as Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs) are known to reduce PM formation...
Report no. 13/16: This report details work that was carried out to study the response of modern gasoline passenger cars on octane. The objective of this phase 1 of the study was to investigate the effect of RON and MON on the power and acceleration performance of two...