Motor vehicle emission regulations and fuel specifications: Part 1 – 2004/2005 update
Report no. 5/06: This report summarises changes in worldwide legislation and regulations governing motor vehicle emissions, fuel specifications and fuel consumption. Specifically it details current and proposed legislation on emissions limits and emissions...
Analysis of the CAFE cost benefit analysis
Report no. 4/06: This report discusses a few aspects of the Cost Benefits Analysis that was developed within the context of the Clean Air For Europe (CAFE) programme of the European Commission. The aspects considered are the monetisation of impacts of air pollution on...
Evaporative emissions and ethanol blends
The JRC/EUCAR/CONCAWE consortium was set up in 2000 to carry out technical work of joint interest in the area of advanced fuels and vehicles. The first major output from the collaboration was the Well-to-Wheels analysis of future automotive fuels and...