Automotive PAH emissions

Automotive PAH emissions

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions have been of concern for many years due to potential carcinogenic effects, with several individual PAHs having been classified by IARC as either ‘probably carcinogenic to humans’ or ‘possibly...
Fuel effects on emissions from advanced diesel engines and vehicles

Fuel effects on emissions from advanced diesel engines and vehicles

Report no. 2/05: To update understanding on emissions from road transport, CONCAWE is continuing to assess fuel effects on emissions from new engine/vehicle technologies as they approach the market. In this work, two advanced light-duty diesel vehicles and three...
Understanding gasoline volatility and ethanol effects

Understanding gasoline volatility and ethanol effects

Although well researched in the past, there has been little recent work on fuel effects on driveability performance or evaporative emissions from European gasoline vehicles. Recently, the Biofuels Directive has stimulated interest in blending ethanol into...
Emissions regulations and fuel specifications

Emissions regulations and fuel specifications

For many years, CONCAWE has produced a regular update to their report on ‘motor vehicle emission regulations and fuel specifications’. Over the years, this has become a key compilation and ready reference manual for many readers. A comprehensive update to Part 1 of...
Advanced vehicles and fuels

Advanced vehicles and fuels

The recent update to the EU Fuels Directive specifies a maximum sulphur content of 50 mg/kg in gasolines and diesel fuels from 2005, with ‘appropriately balanced geographic availability’ of sulphur-free fuels from the same date, progressing to 100% coverage of...