Emissions regulations and fuel specifications

Emissions regulations and fuel specifications

For many years, CONCAWE has produced a regular update to their report on ‘motor vehicle emission regulations and fuel specifications’. Over the years, this has become a key compilation and ready reference manual for many readers. A comprehensive update to Part 1 of...
Advanced vehicles and fuels

Advanced vehicles and fuels

The recent update to the EU Fuels Directive specifies a maximum sulphur content of 50 mg/kg in gasolines and diesel fuels from 2005, with ‘appropriately balanced geographic availability’ of sulphur-free fuels from the same date, progressing to 100% coverage of...
Joint European Well-to-Wheels study

Joint European Well-to-Wheels study

The Well-to-Wheels (WTW) study carried out jointly by EUCAR, JRC/IES and CONCAWE was completed at the end of 2003. The study considered a wide range of primary energy sources, automotive fuels and powertrains. The energy and GHG balance was estimated for close to 500...