The chemical composition of diesel particulate emissions
Report no. 92/51: In July 1990 CONCAWE published a report on the influence of diesel fuel sulphur content on particulate emissions. The chemical analysis procedures employed in that programme for the identification of particulate constituents are described in this...
The sulphur content of diesel fuel and its relationship with particulate emissions from diesel engines
Report no. 90/54: This report gives the results of a research programme to investigate the influence of diesel fuel sulphur content on diesel engine exhaust particulate emissions. A representative range of current light-duty vehicles (nine) and heavy-duty engines...
Closing the gasoline system – control of gasoline emissions from the distribution system and vehicles
Report no. 3/90: This report shows that a series of measures effectively closing up the gasoline system of distribution and use in motor vehicles is the preferred strategy to control gasoline emissions. These emissions contribute about 40% to the volatile organic...