Report no. 19/22: Following recent revisions to Annex VI of EU REACH Regulation No. 1907/2006, this report describes the information which registrants should now provide in Sections 1.2 and 1.4 of the IUCLID registration dossier for the identification of their...
As vertebrate animal studies form the basis for assessing certain human health and ecotoxicity hazards under the EU (European Union) REACH regulation, appropriate alternative approaches to fulfil information requirements must be considered in order to avoid...
Report no. 9/22: This Guidance addresses the specific Concawe recommendations for authoring of (extended) Safety Data Sheets for Unknown or Variable composition, Complex reaction products or of Biological materials (UVCB) petroleum substances, and mixtures containing...
Report no. 9/20: This report provides further information on the value of spectral data generated from the Concawe Analytical Program, and provides scientific justification that spectral data provides no additional composition information to that obtained by the other...
Report no. 10/19: Risk assessments on petroleum substances (PS) are challenging due to the fact that these complex materials contain thousands of individual chemical components having widely differing physico-chemical characteristics, environmental degradation rates,...