Concawe Review
Concawe Reviews
Integrity of oil pipelines in Western Europe
The CONCAWE pipeline statistics now includes data from 72 companies and other bodies operating oil pipelines in Western Europe. These organizations operate some 250 different service pipelines which...
Concawe Reviews
Keeping abreast of emission regulations and fuel specifications
For many years now, CONCAWE has produced a regular update to their report on ‘motor vehicle emission regulations and fuel specifications’.
Over the years, this has become a key compilation an...
Concawe Reviews
CONCAWE Review 2 – Autumn 2000
Volume 9 • Number 2: This edition of the Review covers a wide range of topics highlighting the diversity of CONCAWE’s work in the areas of environment, health and safety.The majority of the articl...
Concawe Reviews
Aquatic toxicity testing for petroleum substances
The EU Dangerous Substances Directive (DSD) provides a systematic approach for the classification of substances based on knowledge of their intrinsic properties and in accordance with defined hazard...
Concawe Reviews
Automotive particulate emissions
Particulate matter (PM) in the air continues to be the focus of increased attention due to concerns over potential health effects. Under the EU Air Quality Framework Directive an air quality standard...
Concawe Reviews
Emission control at marine terminals
The European ‘Stage 1’ Directive 94/63/EC on the control of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions mandates the installation of vapour emission controls for automotive gasoline storage and lo...
Concawe Reviews
Is a 10-ppm sulphur limit on road fuels desirable?
The German government proposal for the introduction of road fuels with less than 10 ppm sulphur issued at the end of last year re-launched the debate on the sulphur issue. In the meantime, the auto...
Concawe Reviews
Regional ozone in Europe
Over the past three years, both the European Commission and the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN-ECE) have developed response strategies to combat concerns over acidification, eutro...
Concawe Reviews
CONCAWE Review 1 – Autumn 2000
Volume 9 • Number 1: Articles in previous editions of the CONCAWE Review have concentrated on petroleum products and their role in influencing emissions from mobile and stationary combustion sources...
Concawe Reviews
The legislative maze
A previous article (CONCAWE Review Vol. 8, No. 1) has described CONCAWE’s involvement in the development of the BAT (Best Available Techniques) Reference Document (BREF) for refineries under the I...
Concawe Reviews
Carbon, sulphur and hydrogen in oil refineries
Accurately calculating the global carbon balance in oil refinery and petroleum product end-use systems is a challenge of nightmare proportions. All except the lightest of the output streams are of u...
Concawe Reviews
Estimating the implications of road fuels quality changes on the EU refining industry
Calculations of the cost and global CO2 emission implications to European refining arising as a consequence of required measures such as the Auto/Oil I and potential future Auto/Oil II legislation n...
Concawe Reviews
European air quality: changing priorities
The second European Auto/Oil Programme (AO II) mentioned in the preceding articles has involved the European Commission, together with Member States, industry1 and the NGO community, over the past t...
Concawe Reviews
Global harmonized system of hazard communication for chemicals
Classification and Hazard Communication (labels and safety data sheets) for hazardous chemicals including some oil products are currently driven by national legislation for supply, and by UN harmoni...
Concawe Reviews
MTBE in gasoline
The abbreviation MTBE refers to methyl tertiary butyl ether—a volatile, water-soluble, oxygencontaining,colourless liquid with an ethereal odour. In Europe, it is used mainly to boost octane rating...
Concawe Reviews
Personal exposure to air pollutants
The air quality limit values which the European Commission has been working on for the last couple of years apply to ambient air. In this sense, ‘ambient air’ is defined as outdoor air in the tr...
Concawe Reviews
The impact of Auto/Oil I and II on refinery costs and global CO2 emissions.
Under the Auto/Oil I (AO I) study work in 1996, the EU commission contracted A.D. Little associated with Touche Ross to provide the basis for the cost effects of changes to gasoline and diesel fuels c...
Concawe Reviews
The Precautionary Principle
The ‘Precautionary Principle’ has become very much a part of the vocabulary of the general environmental scene today. It has found its way into various international declarations and convention...
Concawe Reviews
CONCAWE Review – Autumn 1999
Volume 8 • Number 2: In May this year the CONCAWE Council elected me as the new Chairman of the organization. It is both a privilege and a challenge to take over this responsibility.
A privilege...
Concawe Reviews
Health effects of ambient PM— an update
Directive 1999/30/EC was adopted in April of this year by the Council of the European Union. This is the first Daughter Directive established under the Air Quality Framework Directive. The Directive...
Concawe Reviews
Ambient particulate matter: sources and apportioning
The quality of the air we breathe has become an increasingly important and emotive issue over the past few years.
To date, the regulation of air quality has focused mainly on outdoor air (even th...
Concawe Reviews
Exposure profiles
The risk assessment of chemical substances is based on a comparison of the potential adverse effects of a substance at given concentrations with the known or foreseeable exposure for man and the env...
Concawe Reviews
Fuels and engines need to be developed together
Much discussion has taken place in Auto/Oil-I, Auto/Oil-II and many other forums on how to achieve air quality targets in a scientific and cost-effective way. The basis is sound science, starting wi...
Concawe Reviews
Mobile phones
Mobile phones have rapidly become one of the necessities of modern life, allowing people to keep in touch with each other at all times. As we all know, they can also be annoying when they ring at inap...